Running a node manually

This guide walks you through the process of setting up a node to join Bitxor public network.

You can safely experiment connecting to Bitxor network by connecting to the test network (testnet) instead of the main public network (mainnet). Testnet might be offline or replaced without notice because it is used extensively for testing purposes, though. To work in a private environment network, install a local network for learning and development purposes instead.

Hardware requirements

Running a blockchain node is very demanding in terms of disk space, memory and CPU requirements. Failure to meet the following minimum requirements will produce a node that will struggle to keep up with the rest of the network. The global blockchain will not be affected but the node will rarely be eligible to collect any node rewards.


It is strongly recommended to use dedicated CPU and RAM. When they are shared (as is the case on some Virtual Server providers) performance is heavily impacted.

Minimum node specifications


Peer node

API node

Dual & Voting node


2 cores

4 cores

4 cores





Disk size

500 GB

750 GB

750 GB

Disk speed

1500 |iops| |ssd|

1500 |iops| |ssd|

1500 |iops| |ssd|

The following table shows the recommended requirements. Using these will provide a much smoother experience and provide a certain degree of future proofing.

Recommended node specifications


Peer node

API node

Dual & Voting node


4 cores

8 cores

8 cores





Disk size

500 GB

750 GB

750 GB

Disk speed

1500 |iops| |ssd|

1500 |iops| |ssd|

1500 |iops| |ssd|

Runtime server requirements are network dependent. For example, networks with higher throughput will likely have higher requirements.

Although you might be able to run the software in less powerful instances, you might encounter some issues while installing or running the node.

Port requirements

The port 7900-7902 is required by bitxorcore for communicate between nodes. Make sure that the node’s host is accessible from the internet and that the port is open and available.

The port 3000-3002 is required by api-rest for communicate between api-nodes. Make sure that the node’s host is accessible from the internet and that the port is open and available.

The port 80,443 is required for generate SSL Certificate. Make sure that the node’s host is accessible from the internet and that the port is open and available.

Deploy BitxorCore Server

Preparing the server

Your fist need access to root user and follow the next commands

cd ~
sudo apt update
sudo apt install unzip build-essential git cmake ninja-build pkg-config mongodb -y

Download BitxorCore and Seed Config

cd ~
unzip -o
cd BitxorCore
unzip -o
echo '/root/BitxorCore/deps' >> /etc/

Configure the Certificate and Name Node

Prerequisites Commands

cd ~
mkdir certgen
cd certgen
sudo apt install openssl

You need a Private Key, this will sign the Main Account and generate the Transport Cert, you can generate your private key with the next commands

/root/BitxorCore/bin/ -n mainnet

save your private key and your Encode/Decode Public Key.

Generate the certificate

export privatekeyca=#ThePrivateKeyofNode
export namenode=#TheNameofNodeTransport

Your must change the next words in the before commands, Where- #YourPrivateKey is the private key previously obtained #TheNameofNodeTransport is the name of the Node

chmod 777
rm -r *

Configure a Peer node:

Peer nodes, also called a harvester nodes, are the backbone of the network. Among other things, they verify transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain, collecting fees in the process.

cd ~
export hostnamenode=#TheHostnameofNode

Your must change the next words in the before commands, Where- #TheHostnameofNode is the hostname of the node, this can be a domain name or your ip address

sed -i "s/yourhostnamenode/$hostnamenode/g" BitxorCore/resources/
sed -i "s/yourfriendlyNamenode/$namenode/g" BitxorCore/resources/

Now we will install the services of BitxorCore and BitxorBroker

echo -e "[Unit]\nDescription=BitxorCore\n\n[Service]\nWorkingDirectory=/root/BitxorCore/bin\nExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'rm /root/BitxorCore/data/server.lock || /bin/true'\nExecStart=/root/BitxorCore/bin/bitxorcore.server\nExecReload=/bin/bash -c 'rm /root/BitxorCore/data/server.lock'\nExecReload=/root/BitxorCore/bin/bitxorcore.server\nExecStop=/bin/bash -c 'rm /root/BitxorCore/data/server.lock'\nKillMode=process\nRestart=always\nRestartSec=30\n\n[Install]\" > /etc/systemd/system/bitxorcore.service
echo -e "[Unit]\nDescription=BitxorBroker\n\n[Service]\nWorkingDirectory=/root/BitxorCore/bin\nExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'rm /root/BitxorCore/data/broker.lock || /bin/true'\nExecStart=/root/BitxorCore/bin/\nExecReload=/bin/bash -c 'rm /root/BitxorCore/data/broker.lock'\nExecReload=/root/BitxorCore/bin/\nExecStop=/bin/bash -c 'rm /root/BitxorCore/data/broker.lock'\nKillMode=process\nRestart=always\nRestartSec=30\n\n[Install]\" > /etc/systemd/system/bitxorbroker.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Deploy Api-REST Server

Preparing the server

Your fist need access to root user and follow the next commands

cd ~
sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl -y
curl -sL | sudo bash
curl -sL | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn unzip pkg-config mongodb nodejs python3-pip -y

Download BitxorAPI-Rest and Install

cd ~
unzip -o
mkdir BitxorApi
cp -r Bitxor-ApiRest-1.0.1-beta.2/* BitxorApi
rm -r Bitxor-ApiRest-1.0.1-beta.2
cd BitxorApi
chmod 777

Install with SSL

first your need have issued your certificate to your hostname and must have your privatekey and certificate files.

write your private key of your ssl certificate

nano /root/BitxorCore/cert/ssl.bin

paste the content of your private key, you must open in your computer the private key with a text editor for copy this, after of paste the content, press control + x and after Y and press enter

Now your must write the certificate file of your ssl certificate

nano /root/BitxorCore/cert/ssl.crt

paste the content of your certificate file, you must open in your computer the certificate file with a text editor for copy this, after of paste the content, press control + x and after Y and press enter

Now write the service

echo -e "[Unit]\nDescription=BitxorApiRest\n\n[Service]\nWorkingDirectory=/root/BitxorApi/rest\nExecStart=/usr/bin/npm run start:ssl\nType=simple\nRestart=always\n\n\n[Install]\" > /etc/systemd/system/bitxorapi.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Install without SSL

echo -e "[Unit]\nDescription=BitxorApiRest\n\n[Service]\nWorkingDirectory=/root/BitxorApi/rest\nExecStart=/usr/bin/npm run start\nType=simple\nRestart=always\n\n\n[Install]\" > /etc/systemd/system/bitxorapi.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Running the BitxorCore

Upon first launch the node will synchronize with the rest of the network, downloading the complete blockchain. This might take a few hours and during this time REST requests directed to your node (if it is an API node) might be delayed and report an incorrect chain height. Your must run the next command for run the peer node For run the BitxorCore run the next command

service bitxorcore start

For know the status of BitxorCore run the next command

systemctl status bitxorcore

For follow in live time the process of BitxorCore

journalctl -f -u bitxorcore.service

For autoboot BitxorCore with the system

systemctl enable bitxorcore

Running the BitxorBroker

For run the BitxorCore run the next command

service bitxorbroker start

For know the status of BitxorCore run the next command

systemctl status bitxorbroker

For follow in live time the process of BitxorCore

journalctl -f -u bitxorbroker.service

For autoboot BitxorCore with the system

systemctl enable bitxorbroker

Running the BitxorApi-REST

For run the BitxorApi-REST run the next command

service bitxorapi start

For know the status of BitxorApi-REST run the next command

systemctl status bitxorapi

For follow in live time the process of BitxorApi-REST

journalctl -f -u bitxorapi.service

For autoboot BitxorApi-REST with the system

systemctl enable bitxorapi

You now can see the api running, go to http://youripaddress:3000 without ssl or https://youripaddress:3001 with ssl enable

Configuration Additional

Enable Harvesting

  1. First your must generate 2 Wallet Address with your privatekey with the next command:

/root/BitxorCore/bin/ -n mainnet -c 2
  1. Now you will write the 2 private key in the file of configuration: /root/BitxorCore/resources/

nano /root/BitxorCore/resources/

now put in variable ‘harvesterSigningPrivateKey’ a private key obtained in the step 1, and put in variable ‘harvesterVrfPrivateKey’ the other private key obtained in the step 1 change the value of variable ‘enableAutoHarvesting’ to ‘true’ in variable ‘beneficiaryAddress’ put your wallet where your will receive the percentage of node when this found a block. now save, for save press control + x and after Y and press enter 3. Enable Harvesting

nano /root/BitxorCore/resources/

change the variable ‘extension.harvesting’ to ‘true’ now save, for save press control + x and after Y and press enter

  1. Restart BitxorCore

Enable Voting Node

Node voting for the first time

  1. First your must have in your wallet for Voting the minimum amount of BXR for voting program.

  2. You will need create a voting private key in your node

cd /root/BitxorCore/bin
./ -b 3101 -e 6210 -o private_key_tree1.dat
mkdir ../votingkeys
cp -f private_key_tree1.dat ../votingkeys/private_key_tree1.dat

Copy your public key this will used for create the link voting key transaction. Depending of the epoch which you stay, you will must change the options -b 3101 for the initial epoch and -e 6210 for the ending epoch The maximum epoch range is 3110 blocks

  1. You will need add the role of voting in your configuration of the node

nano ../resources/

add the next text ,Voting at the last character of the variable roles

  1. You must also enable finalization extension

nano ../resources/

the configuration must be same to this configuration


enableVoting = true
enableRevoteOnBoot = true

size = 10'000
threshold = 6'700
stepDuration = 2m

shortLivedCacheMessageDuration = 10m
messageSynchronizationMaxResponseSize = 20MB

maxHashesPerPoint = 512
prevoteBlocksMultiple = 4

unfinalizedBlocksDuration = 0m

treasuryReissuanceEpoch = 0

You can copy all the configuration and replace in the configuration shown in your node.

  1. You need create a link voting key from your wallet voting, this can be completed via the SDK or the Bitxor Wallet Desktop

Voting node renewing voting key

  1. You will need create a new voting private key in your node

cd /root/BitxorCore/bin
./ -b 3101 -e 6210 -o private_key_tree2.dat
mkdir ../votingkeys
cp -f private_key_tree2.dat ../votingkeys/private_key_tree2.dat

Copy your public key this will used for create the link voting key transaction. Depending of the epoch which you stay, you will must change the options -b 3101 for the initial epoch and -e 6210 for the ending epoch

The maximum epoch range is 3110 blocks.

Only if you using private_key_tree2.dat at the moment of crating the new private key and you have the Voting Public Key 1 expired you will can use the name private_key_tree1.dat, also will can replace the voting public key 1 with obtained before.

  1. You will need use the SDK or Bitxor Wallet for create the link voting key transaction.

Next steps

Now that your node is up and running, you can take a look at the following guides: