
So glad you are visiting this section!

There are plenty of things you can do to help improve Bitxor!

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Can you code?

Bitxor is Open Source. Visit the GitHub repositories and check if there is any project where you want to contribute.

There is the C++ BitxorCore client but also Typescript tools like the Wallets, the Explorer, Bootstrap and many more. Each repository’s README and CONTRIBUTING files will tell you how to submit your code!

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Can you write?

This documentation is also Open Source, written by many people over the years. The Contribute Documentation page explains how you can improve it and help other Bitxor users!

πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨ Can you draw?

Would you like to create the art used by the Bitxor tools, sites or social media? Share your samples on Twitter or Discord!

πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ€ Can you rally the masses?

Raise awareness about the project using your social media powers! Bitxor’s main arena is Twitter.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”§ Can you host a node?

Do you know how to have a PC or VPS plugged to the Internet and running 24h a day?

Deploy a Bitxor node! You can receive Harvesting rewards even if you don’t own a large quantity of BXR, thanks to Delegated harvesting.

The network guides explain how to create and maintain your own Bitxor node.

πŸ’° Do you hold more than 10’000 BXR?

Don’t let them gather dust and become a delegated harvester!

Your balance can help a node harvest more blocks, strengthening the Bitxor network (and you will earn some profits in the process). No funds locking, vesting or spending required!

See the harvesting guides for instructions on how to activate delegated harvesting.

πŸ€” Not sure what you can do?

Here are some ideas:

  • Just come hang out in the Discord server, almost everything we do is public! Listen to discussions, participate, share your thoughts…

  • Follow the development updates on Twitter.

In short, be part of the community!