Retrieving the global token supply

Different values regarding the total supply of bitxor are available in real-time, through REST endpoints on any Bitxor API node. Click on each endpoint below for an example.

The return value of the following endpoints is always a decimal number in plaintext, using a period . as the decimal separator.

Maximum supply

The maximum amount of bitxor that will ever exist in the network:

In Bitxor’s MAINNET this value is always 8999999999.

Total supply

The total amount of bitxor that exist right now.

Inflation, through block rewards, slowly increases this number until it reaches the maximum supply.

For example: 7881002838.303334.

Circulating supply

The amount of bitxor currently in the market and in the general public’s hands.

This is the total supply minus the funds locked for opt-in payouts, reward programs, etc.

For example: 5404143654.714409.