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Bitxor HD Wallets

npm version Build Status Slack

Hierarchical-deterministic (HD) wallets generator library for Bitxor.

This is a PoC to validate the proposed NIP6 Multi-Account Hierarchy for Deterministic Wallets. When stable, the repository will be moved to the nemtech organization.

NOTE: The author of this package cannot be held responsible for any loss of money or any malintentioned usage forms of this package. Please use this package with caution.


  • Node.js 12 LTS


npm install bitxor-hd-wallets


Generating a mnemonic pass phrase

// examples/GeneratingAMnemonicPassPhrase.ts

import {MnemonicPassPhrase} from "../src/MnemonicPassPhrase";

// random 24-words mnemonic

// random 12-words mnemonic
MnemonicPassPhrase.createRandom('english', 128);

// random 24-words mnemonic with french wordlist

// random 24-words mnemonic with japanese wordlist

Generating a password-protected mnemonic pass phrase seed (for storage)

// examples/GeneratePasswordProtectedSeedForRandomPassPhrase.ts

import {MnemonicPassPhrase} from "../src/MnemonicPassPhrase";

const mnemonic = MnemonicPassPhrase.createRandom();
const secureSeedHex = mnemonic.toSeed('your-password');
// examples/GeneratePasswordProtectedSeedForRandomPassPhraseEmptyPassword.ts

import {MnemonicPassPhrase} from "../src/MnemonicPassPhrase";

// Example 2: empty password for password-protected seed
const mnemonic = MnemonicPassPhrase.createRandom();
const secureSeedHex = mnemonic.toSeed(); // omit password means empty password: ''

Generating a root (master) extended key

// examples/GeneratingARootMasterExtendedKeyForKnownPassPhrase.ts

import {MnemonicPassPhrase} from "../src/MnemonicPassPhrase";

// Example 2: generate BIP32 master seed for known pass phrase
const words = 'alpha pattern real admit vacuum wall ready code '
+ 'correct program depend valid focus basket whisper firm '
+ 'tray fit rally day dance demise engine mango';
const mnemonic = new MnemonicPassPhrase(words);

// the following seed can be used with `ExtendedKey.createFromSeed()`
const bip32Seed = mnemonic.toSeed(); // using empty password
// examples/GeneratingARootMasterExtendedKeyForRandomPassPhrase.ts

import {MnemonicPassPhrase} from "../src/MnemonicPassPhrase";

// Example 1: generate BIP32 master seed for random pass phrase
const mnemonic = MnemonicPassPhrase.createRandom();
const bip32Seed = mnemonic.toSeed();

Generating a HD wallet (BITXOR mijin and mijinTest compatible)

// examples/GeneratingAHDWalletPrivateNetworkCompatible.ts

import {NetworkType} from 'bitxor-sdk';
import {ExtendedKey} from "../src/ExtendedKey";
import {Wallet} from "../src/Wallet";
import {Network} from "../src/Network";

const xkey = ExtendedKey.createFromSeed('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f', Network.BITXOR);
const wallet = new Wallet(xkey);

// get master account
const masterAccount = wallet.getAccount();

const defaultAccount = wallet.getChildAccount();

// derive specific child path
const childAccount = wallet.getChildAccount('m/44\'/4343\'/0\'/0\'/0\'', NetworkType.MIJIN_TEST);

// get read-only wallet
const readOnlyWallet = new Wallet(xkey.getPublicNode());
const readOnlyAccount = readOnlyWallet.getPublicAccount(NetworkType.MIJIN_TEST);

// get read-only DEFAULT ACCOUNT
const readOnlyDefaultAccount = readOnlyWallet.getChildPublicAccount();

Generating a HD wallet (BITXOR public and publicTest compatible)

// examples/GeneratingAHDWalletPublicNetworkCompatible.ts

import {Network} from "../src/Network";
import {NetworkType} from "bitxor-sdk";
import {Wallet} from "../src/Wallet";
import {ExtendedKey} from "../src/ExtendedKey";

const xkey = ExtendedKey.createFromSeed('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f', Network.BITXOR);
const wallet = new Wallet(xkey);

// get master account
const masterAccount = wallet.getAccount();

const defaultAccount = wallet.getChildAccount();

// derive specific child path
const childAccount = wallet.getChildAccount('m/44\'/4343\'/0\'/0\'/0\'', NetworkType.TEST_NET);

// get read-only wallet
const readOnlyWallet = new Wallet(xkey.getPublicNode());
const readOnlyAccount = readOnlyWallet.getPublicAccount(NetworkType.TEST_NET);

// get read-only DEFAULT ACCOUNT
const readOnlyDefaultAccount = readOnlyWallet.getChildPublicAccount();

Signing with a HD wallet (BITXOR compatible)

// examples/SigningWithAHDWalletPrivateNetworkCompatible.ts

import {Account, Deadline, EmptyMessage, NetworkType, TransferTransaction} from "bitxor-sdk";
import {Wallet} from "../src/Wallet";
import {ExtendedKey} from "../src/ExtendedKey";
import {Network} from "../src/Network";

const xkey = ExtendedKey.createFromSeed('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f', Network.BITXOR);
const wallet = new Wallet(xkey);

// derive specific child path
const childAccount = wallet.getChildAccount('m/44\'/4343\'/0\'/0\'/0\'', NetworkType.TEST_NET);

// create a transfer object
const transfer = TransferTransaction.create(

// sign the transaction with derived account
const generationHash = ''; // replace with network generation hash
const signedTx = childAccount.sign(transfer, generationHash);

Getting help

Use the following available resources to get help:


Contributions are welcome and appreciated. Check CONTRIBUTING for information on how to contribute.


Copyright (c) 2019, Grégory Saive

Licensed under the BSD-2 License.

Generated using TypeDoc